Trusted Storage Issue

Symptoms: When activating a license in ESPRIT, the security manager doesn’t provide any error prompts, yet the activated license isn’t displayed. However, the license is present in the license folder accessible through View > License Folder.

Cause: The issue might arise because Windows has incorrectly labeled the license folder as “not trusted storage.” This labeling could potentially occur after power outages, although the exact reason remains unclear.


1. Collect Machine ID:

    • Ask the customer to provide the 12-bound Machine ID:

  • In ESPRIT, navigate to View > Locking Devices.
  • Select the license number and click "Copy."
    • Instruct the customer to email you the copied Machine ID.

2. Contact ESPRIT Support:

  • Reach out to ESPRIT support and explain the observed symptoms.
  • Inform them that you likely require a TSpwd file and provide the machine-bound ID in the support ticket.

1. Obtain TSpwd File:

    • Once you have received the TSpwd file from ESPRIT support, proceed to the next step.

2. Reopen ESPRIT Security Manager:

  • Open ESPRIT Security Manager as an administrator.
  • While the Security Manager is open, perform the following key sequence:
    • Press and hold the "Alt" key.
    • While holding the "Alt" key, press and hold the "Ctrl" key.
  • Keep both keys held down in this order.

3. Access About Section:

While holding down the "Alt" and "Ctrl" keys, click on "Help" and then select "About."

4. Import TSpwd File:

  • In the "About" window, navigate to the location where the TSpwd file is saved.
  • Select the TSpwd file and click "Open."

5. Refresh Security Manager:

  • After importing the TSpwd file, return to the ESPRIT Security Manager.
  • Click on the green refresh button within the Security Manager interface.

6. Verify License Display:

  • Check if the licenses now appear correctly in the ESPRIT Security Manager.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve the trusted storage issue in ESPRIT effectively.