ESPRIT – Milling Essentials Training (3-Days)

Description: The main objective of this ESPRIT CAM Essentials training class is to teach users the workflow of programming parts. Program a variety of Milling parts, ranging from simple 2D wireframe to more complex 3D models. Scroll down to see the topics we cover.

Who Should Attend?
New ESPRIT users as well as existing users who have not been trained in the last couple of years.

Type: Web/Remote
Pre-Requisites: None
Course Length: 3 days*

*Day is defined as 6 hours of training, however class length varies based on student progress.

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Lesson 1: ESPRIT Interface

  • Understand how to begin programming in ESPRIT
  • Know how to setup the workspace in a productive way
  • Become familiar with the ESPRIT Edge or ESPRIT 20xx interface and how to navigate inside of it
  • Understand the difference between Workplanes and Work Coordinates
  • Help File

Lesson 2: First Programmed Part Example (Mill toolpaths) Geometry only Example

  • Understand how to setup a Program
  • Understand the importance of Front to Back Programming
  • Understand how to create a program from geometry
  • Learn how to create and import tools
  • Learn how to create milling features
  • Learn how to create milling operations

Lesson 3: Simulation

  • Learn how to create stock in simulation parameters
  • Understand how to add a fixture to simulation
  • Understand how to add tool holder models to simulation
  • Learn how to place tools in the correct location and orientation in the machine
  • Learn how to produce code

Lesson 4: First Programmed Part Example (Mill toolpaths) Solid Model Example

  • Understand the basics of programming off a solid model
  • Learn how to create milling tools
  • Learn how to create milling features
  • Understand how to modify features using manual chain

Lesson 5: Example Part for Students to Program on their own

  • Import a solid model and program features workshop
  • Assist students as needed
  • Program the part from start to finish (instructor)

Lesson 6: Profit Milling

  • Learn how and when to use Profit Milling

Lesson 7: Processes and Knowledge Base (Pre-oriented file)

  • Learn how to save machining processes
  • Learn how to set up the Knowledge Base
  • Customizing the Knowledge Base
  • Feeds and Speeds

Lesson 8: Extra Info (Time Permitting)

  • Custom Tools and Holders
  • Engraving
  • Extra time with example files
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